HIV transmissions have plummeted during covid
test now
Even Covid clouds have silver linings. Fewer hook-ups thanks to lockdowns has resulted in a huge reduction of HIV and other STIs. The chain is broken.
if gay and bi men order their free home-testing kits now, we can keep transmissions down and beat HIV. We may never get this opportunity again.
A once-in-a-generation opportunity
Covid-19 presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity in the fight against HIV. In the last few months, HIV transmission has dropped dramatically. National lockdowns mean people have had less opportunity to have sex, meaning fewer people have caught HIV.
What’s more, when someone first catches the virus, they are super infectious and more likely to pass on HIV than normal. Having sess ‘super infectious’ people around has reduced transmissions even further.
If everybody gets tested and knows their status, they can make the right health choices to look after themselves and others.
People who test positive can start medication straight away, which will mean they can’t pass it on.
For everyone else, it’s a great time to protect your health with PrEP (Pre Exposure Prophylaxis) and condoms. More info on PrEP here
There is currently no evidence for a higher Covid-19 infection rate or different disease course in people living with HIV than in HIV-negative people. However, there is concern that HIV positive people not taking treatment may be at increased risk. We recommend all gay man HIV test and consider starting treatment immediately if the result is positive. Read more about it in this BHIVA article.
Managing your sexual health puts less pressure on the NHS.
let’s beat hiv together
Your results
Working together now, we can make a significant impact on HIV transmissions. We may never have this opportunity again. Please join our campaign, share the assets, spread the word, tag, hashtag and of course, test!
After returning your samples for testing, your results should arrive by text in a couple of days. If any of your results are positive (in other words, you have contracted HIV or other STIs) you must get to a sexual health clinic near you. They will be able to offer support and treatment. All clinics are able to take new HIV diagnoses. It’s important you get onto medication quickly.
56 Dean Street is also open and will see you the same or next day. You can also walk in and ask to see a senior nurse.
Call: 020 3315 5656. Email: 56deanstreet@chelwest.nhs.uk